Educational institutions and employing organizations that maintain exceptional internship and/or cooperative education programs can be nominated for the OCEA Award for Excellence.  The E. Sam Sovilla Award for Excellence is the highest honor presented by the Association.
Employing organizations or educational institutions nominated by OCEA members will be considered for the award based on the criteria set forth. No more than one award will be given in any year. There is no requirement for the award to be presented annually.  The recipient can be located outside the State.An organization can be nominated annually but can receive the award no more than once every five years.
Consideration will be given both OCEA members and non-members.
The award winner must demonstrate a clear history of active involvement in internship and/or cooperative education programs by maintaining an active intern/co-op program for five or more consecutive years.
The Awards Committee will evaluate the candidates on the basis of the following selection criteria:
The historical perspective of the nominee's internship/cooperative education program.  The criteria for selection may include: years of program existence (5 consecutive years minimum), size of the program, majors involved, number of employers/educators used, etc.
The unique qualities of the organization's internship/cooperative education program.  The criteria for selection may include: employer workshops, supervisor training, mentoring programs, exemplary student learning programs, culturally diverse workplace, etc.
How the staff of the organization promotes and supports the ideas of internship/cooperative education through quality student assignments.  The criteria for selection may include:  opportunity for full time employment/advancement, concern for learning outcomes of the work assignments, personal growth/development of the student, matched job placement opportunities with academic interests, guidance in assessing educational outcomes of intern/co-op assignments, etc.
How the organization provides financial and other support for internship/cooperative education. The criteria for selection may include:  educational scholarships or tuition assistance, student housing assistance, in-kind contributions to institutions/ organizations, volunteering time as guest speakers/lecturers etc.
How the organization demonstrates support for the betterment of internship/cooperative education through participation in the Ohio Cooperative Education Association and/or other professional organizations.  The criteria for selection may include: years of active professional organization membership, offices and/or committee involvement, financial/in-kind contributions, etc.